Women Empowerment

Improving the wellbeing of rural households

Economic empowerment allows women to control and benefit from resources, assets, and income. We have a special focus on empowering female farmers, as drivers for social change. We recognize that men are also an integral part of achieving healthy and thriving families.
Our goal is to holistically improve lives of households. We are supporting female farmers to diversify their incomes, ensure access clean water, good hygiene and sanitation, improved good nutrition, and a having building supportive social circles.

This is what we are doing;

Good Nutrition

We encourage families to grow and include fruit and vegetables in their nutrition in addition to raising small-scale livestock. Surpluses can always be sold to earn the family extra income or to solve an emergency.

Business Training

Micro businesses boost rural women’s confidence, independence and leadership skills. They are usually located near their homes, offer flexible hours, and are a source for women empowerment. Through their village groups, the women have a business network that also opens market for their products and services.


Access to clean Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is a key driver to healthy households. We offer training in handwashing, brushing teeth for children, ensuring that households have descent latrines and bathrooms and good drainage around their homes.  These efforts help reduce instances of diseases and illnesses in rural communities.


In many rural Ugandan households, women shoulder the burden of daily chores, while men traditionally receive the income. Beekeeping is one option for empowering rural women because it requires minimal land, time, and labor, thus allowing women to continue carrying out their usual activities seamlessly.

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